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排毒瑜伽 Detox Yoga
Tue, Apr 25
|Yoga Shala 853
適合任何人士參加 Suitable for everyone

時間及地點 Time & Location
Apr 25, 2023, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM GMT+8
Yoga Shala 853, 澳門宋玉生廣場322-362號誠豐商業中心4樓K室, 4K, Centro Comercial Cheng Feng, Macao
有關課堂 About the class
在排毒瑜伽課中,老師將按照移動順序做瑜伽動作,並專注於刺激身體器官幫助排出體內廢物的瑜伽體式。 學生可以從進行這些特定動作中受益,以提高他們的能量水平、平衡荷爾蒙、幫助恢復睡眠作息、支持消化和增強免疫系統等。
In the Detox Yoga class, teacher will do yoga postures in a moving sequence and focus on postures that stimulate the organs and help to extract waste from the bodies. Students can benefit from doing these particular arranged postures for boosting their energy level, rebalancing hormones, restoring sleep cycles, supporting digestion and strengthening the immune system, etc.
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