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阿斯湯伽-口令班 Ashtanga LED

澳門首個完整版初級序列 Macau first Mysore Full Primary Series

Call for details
Yoga Shala 853

Service Description

澳門首個完整版初級序列邁索爾練習於Yoga Shala 853開辦。 🤸阿斯湯加瑜伽很適合初學者學習。老師在課堂會以「引導」方式說出阿斯湯加初級序列的動作和串聯帶領學生一齊進行。所以無論你已經有練習阿斯湯伽抑或初學者,都歡迎一起練習的🕉🔆 練習日期: 2月 3、4、17、18、24、25日 早上9時至10時30分 Yoga Shala 853提供一個舒適練習環境,會員免費參加練習,歡迎查詢相關優惠、詳情及報名:+853 63016780 Macau first Mysore on Full Primary Series practices opened at Yoga Shala 853. 🤸Ashtanga yoga is good for beginners. These classes often feature ‘led’ sections – the teacher will call out the postures and vinyasas of the Ashtanga Primary Series. So no matter you have been practicing Asthanga for awhile or just a beginner, you are both welcome to join the class. 🕉 2024 Practice Dates: Feb 3, 4, 17, 18, 24, 25 Time: 9 am to 10:30 am At Yoga Shala 853, we provide a comfortable space for your practice. Members join the practice for free. Enquire us for special price, details and sign up: +853 63016780

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Yoga Shala 853 Macau, Macao

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