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空中瑜伽伸展 Aerial Stretching

Thu, Jun 29


Yoga Shala 853

適合任何人士 Suitable for all levels

空中瑜伽伸展 Aerial Stretching
空中瑜伽伸展 Aerial Stretching

時間及地點 Time & Location

Jun 29, 2023, 1:05 PM – 2:05 PM GMT+8

Yoga Shala 853, 澳門宋玉生廣場322-362號誠豐商業中心4樓K室, 4K, Centro Comercial Cheng Feng, Macao

有關課堂 About the class

60 分鐘嘅空中瑜伽練習,結合藝術、體操和瑜伽體式,離開地面,在吊床上做出不同連貫嘅動作,從一個姿勢連接另一個姿勢。運用吊床,您可以做到以及挑戰係地面上可能難以完成嘅動作,尤其是倒立。空中瑜伽有很多益處,可改善您身心靈的健康、增強體力、柔韌性、穩定性和平衡。

In this 60-minute aerial yoga practice which combines arts, athletics and yoga postures taking you off the ground, moving along on a hammock from one pose to another. With the support of the hammock allows you to access and challenge poses that might be difficult on the ground, especially inversion. There are several benefits on improving your psychological health, physical strength, flexibility, stability and balance.

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