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流瑜伽 (B) Vinyasa (B)
|Yoga Shala 853
適合有基礎瑜伽練習人士 Suitable for those with fundamental yoga practice

2023年4月15日 12:45 – GMT+8 13:45
Yoga Shala 853, 澳門宋玉生廣場322-362號誠豐商業中心4樓K室, 4K, Centro Comercial Cheng Feng, Macao
在流瑜伽的課中,老師將引導一系列相互關聯的體式,如像優雅的舞姿,通過呼吸從一個體式移動到下一個體式。流瑜伽比其他類型的瑜伽 (例如哈達瑜伽) 速度快,它可以幫助學員身體塑型。 它還可以幫助增強整體力量和靈活性。
In Vinyasa class, teacher will lead a series of connected poses resembling a graceful dance moving from one to another using breath. Vinyasa Yoga is faster than other types of Yoga, like the Hatha Yoga, it can help students to achieve a toned body. It can also help to build overall strength and flexibility.
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